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Hypar gives your team superpowers.

Revise, a Boston real estate consultant, was tired of fighting with Revit to laboriously deliver office test fits under tight deadlines. With Hypar, they rapidly produced fit-out options, giving prospective tenants the confidence to sign leases faster. Hypar’s intuitive space planning allowed Revise to propose efficiently with real-time area analytics and 3D walkthroughs to compress their clients’ sales cycles.

More on what we’ve been working on below 👇🏼

🎁 Coming Soon: Save time with layout Suggestions


🍎 New Tutorial: How to export your work to PDF, PNG and Revit

Learn how to quickly export your plans to PDF, images or Revit👇🏼.

📖 Check out Hypar on the BIMPure blog

Hypar was recently featured on BIMPure. You can check out the post here.
